Friday, April 3, 2009

In 1948 the United Nations General Assembly chaired by Eleanor Roosevelt approved the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. These rights were for all people through out the world. The United Nations felt they needed to be declared on paper so all nations' governments would know what the rights of the common people were and to be upheld.

Freedom of speech was in opposition to the barring of totalitarists in 1950 from entering the United States. This also denied their freedon of expression from not allowing them to relate their world to ours.

President Truman developed the Commission on Civil Rights on 1947 to stop discrimination and segregation in housing, jobs, and courts and also laws against lynching and poll tax. But Congress wouldn't approve this commission. Discrimination is the hate that creates wars, the thinking that one is superior over another. If we can't stop this hate and just see our fellow human being as just another person and not a color then there will always be wars with no peace ever. The superior will always have to control others.

House UnAmerican Activites Commission in 1947 had hearings concerning communist influence in Hollywood of screenwriters, directors, and actors. Without their right to expression, assembly or speech many lost their jobs. Hollywood blacklisted 200 just for their own viewpoints.

Wisconsin Senator Joseph McCarthy accused 205 supposed communists working for the government while committing character assassination he gained fame by abusing his power. Even though many were falsely accused that stigma is still there and people once that seed is planted will still wonder maybe so and so really is a commie.

Freedom of the press was denied when libraries took books off the shelves of great authors like Thomas Paine and Henry David Thoreau. Robin Hood was considered unAmerican. Of course he was unAmerican cause the rich weren't able to keep all their millions but it was given to the poor who were overly taxed and starving. Where's our Robin Hood today? We need him.

The Federal Bueau of Investigation had files on thousands of homosexuals, dissenters, and others not like your all American citizen depriving them of their privacy. Someone's sexual preference should be a private right not a government issue. What does sexual preference have to do with running our country? What one does in their own bedroom is none of my business.

So in 1950 if you have a sexual preference not accepted by U.S. standards and you were seen asking directions from a well known communist and your skin color is chocolate and your birth name is Robin Hood, you better get out of town. FAST!


  1. Very detailed. You answered the prompt very well and included everything. I like how you talked about the rampant anti-communism.

  2. Wow! This was great. I can tell you put a lot of thought into this entry. You brought things to my attention I had not previously thought about.
