Friday, January 23, 2009

Social Darwinism is based on Darwin's theory of evolution of natural selection. Darwin's theory is the fittest will survive so the liberal reformers felt natural selection kept the poor where they belonged and there was no need for any social agencies to help the poor. Yale Professor William Sumner said freedom was acceptance of inequality. Social Darwinism also felt people who couldn't advance themselves was from a lack of character and that the poor should just stay out of debt and educate their children in marketplace principles and not look for aid. Today a lot of people say just get a job and pay your bills and you won't have to be on welfare. This is my own evaluation of this theory. I was on welfare with 2 children. I went looking for a job at many places. I was interviewed and when they heard I was on welfare some had the audacity to say to my face we don't hire welfare cause they're lazy.That really killed what little self esteem I had. Some said they wouldn't hire me cause with children I was better of on welfware to get the medicaid because they didn't have an insurance program. So no I don't find Social Darwinism theories valid. They were afraid they would lose some of their money to support a social welfare system.

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