Monday, May 4, 2009

I really enjoyed your class. Thank you for putting up with some of the mischieviousness of some of the students, you were very kind and considerate. You made history very interesting. Thank you so much for helping me with putting my blog in the computer and just helping me with the computer cause I have no knowledge, thank you for your patience in helping me.

Friday, April 24, 2009

If Pres. Johnson had to implement programs then obviously there was a problem in our society that kept the poor in an underpriviledged state. He saw a need and was advised by minoritiy groups of different situations that needed to be addressed.

The Housing Program was to help poor especially Black Americans but apartments were built in slum areas so they still couldn't get out of ghettos. Look at Detriot, Michigan and the ghetto uprising where 43 laid dead because of inadequate housing, and to this day Detroit is the worst ghetto, they have tried to fix it but it's unfixable. Don't go there.

The Kerner Report of 1968 said we have 2 societies, Black and White. In Pres. Johnson's speech at Howard University he acknowledges this concept saying Blacks have been another nation, without freedom, hated and no opportunities. He says to gain this opportunity we need to use our abilities but abilities are stunted by neighborhoods you live in, inadequate schools children attend, the slavery history of the Black race which holds them back.

In the cartoon the Black man is weighed down by centuries of slavery shown by the ball and chain, he can't forget his legacy of slavery and the White man doesn't want him to forget it. For the White man to get ahead and on top of the economic ladder he forces the Black man down and steps on him to get to the top(called enslavement). Finally the Black man gets the ball and chain off, the White man apologizes for being a racist but won't help the Black man get on top. White man says that would be reverse racist. It takes a very insecure and scared person to hold another down. A truly secure person wouldn't have to worry about losing everything if he helped somone else to attain their goals.

Friday, April 10, 2009

We had it all, the United States was the super power of the world and still is today, women had modern conveniences, poverty declined, from 30% to 22% by 1960. What more did we want out of life.

60% of Americans were now middle class, there wasn't just the 2 classes anymore of rich and poor, now there was a middle. We had modern conveniences that more middle class people could enjoy like electricity, indoor plumbing, washing machines, and air conditioners. We liked watching TV even though most of us had black and white sets and we didn't have to take the Greyhound bus anymore to visit Grandma because we had our own car now.

But what about the poor Negroes and Asians living in the ghettos, they didn't have TVs or air conditioners. They couldn't even get a good job because of the color of their skin, big corporations wouldn't hire non-whites for skilled work, so they had no choice of job opportunities like the White American. Asians had their land and property taken away from them by the government during WW2 and Native Americans were stuck on the reservation. So these non-white groups were all stuck in the same situation living in the ghetto in poverty. Even if they had enough money saved for a house, the banks owned by the rich upper class wouldn't give non-whites mortgages. Even Levittown was strictly whites only until a lawsuit against Levit made him allow 127 Negro residents inside his suburbs of a population of 53,000. That's just not an acceptable percentage. The government's Housing Act of 1949 built 800,000 units of public housing for low income families, but white urban and suburb communities opposed the construction in their districts, so these units were built in segregated slums. I guess these poor underpriviledged should be happy they got this much, obviously this justified the government's action because they did build new homes but they never said where they were going to put them. The government can say, " We built the homes you wanted and you should be happy, what more do you want from us." This once again proves the rich and powerful must keep the less fortunate in their place in poverty where they are properly controlled so they cannot advance and make something of themselves and make their own choices.

When government laid-off all the women working in war jobs, women lost their independence and now had to depend on their husbands to provide everything for them and since he was the breadwinner he made the major decisions like what car to buy. Married women stayed home, enjoyed all her new conveniences, had babies, cooked the family's meals, look pretty, smile, and be happy about it. She did have choices on how to raise the children but she needed to see to her husband's needs first. This was her life and she'd better like it cause there was no other choice. Women who were able to go to college should look sexy, find a man in college, marry him, live in the suburbs, do the same old thing day after day, watch the soaps and pop a valium. No wonder she's so happy according to all the advertisements depicting housewifes with all the modern conveniences saving them valuable time and energy. I'd look happy too if I was all doped up.

Southern Negroes still had no freedom, they were constantly still in fear of lynchings, the Klu Klux Klan was still burning crosses on people's property, and beating and killing Negroes. Emmett Till's murder, this young life silenced and gone forever, will always be a dark sad spot in our history. The government did nothing at the time to stop these atrocities from happening. Negroes were powerless, they couldn't even drink at any water fountain but had to find one that said Colored Only and if there was none then they had to stay thirsty, they were restricted to Colored Only section in restaurants, also when taking a bus they would have to pay the bus driver at the front of the bus, then walk to the back door, get on and sit in the back. How humiliating! I can't even imagine, like they had some kind of disease the Whites might catch.

So if our politicians in government aren't going to stand up for us and our freedom and our choices guaranteed to us by our constitution, then it takes a brave, gutsy woman like Rosa Parks in Montgomery, Alabama in 1955 to stand up for her rights as a human being. She made a choice that day. And I applaud her!

Friday, April 3, 2009

In 1948 the United Nations General Assembly chaired by Eleanor Roosevelt approved the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. These rights were for all people through out the world. The United Nations felt they needed to be declared on paper so all nations' governments would know what the rights of the common people were and to be upheld.

Freedom of speech was in opposition to the barring of totalitarists in 1950 from entering the United States. This also denied their freedon of expression from not allowing them to relate their world to ours.

President Truman developed the Commission on Civil Rights on 1947 to stop discrimination and segregation in housing, jobs, and courts and also laws against lynching and poll tax. But Congress wouldn't approve this commission. Discrimination is the hate that creates wars, the thinking that one is superior over another. If we can't stop this hate and just see our fellow human being as just another person and not a color then there will always be wars with no peace ever. The superior will always have to control others.

House UnAmerican Activites Commission in 1947 had hearings concerning communist influence in Hollywood of screenwriters, directors, and actors. Without their right to expression, assembly or speech many lost their jobs. Hollywood blacklisted 200 just for their own viewpoints.

Wisconsin Senator Joseph McCarthy accused 205 supposed communists working for the government while committing character assassination he gained fame by abusing his power. Even though many were falsely accused that stigma is still there and people once that seed is planted will still wonder maybe so and so really is a commie.

Freedom of the press was denied when libraries took books off the shelves of great authors like Thomas Paine and Henry David Thoreau. Robin Hood was considered unAmerican. Of course he was unAmerican cause the rich weren't able to keep all their millions but it was given to the poor who were overly taxed and starving. Where's our Robin Hood today? We need him.

The Federal Bueau of Investigation had files on thousands of homosexuals, dissenters, and others not like your all American citizen depriving them of their privacy. Someone's sexual preference should be a private right not a government issue. What does sexual preference have to do with running our country? What one does in their own bedroom is none of my business.

So in 1950 if you have a sexual preference not accepted by U.S. standards and you were seen asking directions from a well known communist and your skin color is chocolate and your birth name is Robin Hood, you better get out of town. FAST!

Friday, March 27, 2009

My question is, "Are women considered human beings?" My own family experience tells me "No". My maternal grandmother and grandfather met each other on their engagement day and then again on their wedding day. Their union was to bring the 2 farms together into 1 large farm. In a sense Grandma was 1 property melding into 1 large property.

Societies of the past all over the world have dictated that a woman should be a virgin so her parents could promise her to a good family, hopefully wealthy, or a successful businessman, or an influential politician. If she had skills like playing a musical instrument or educated all of which adds to her value made her prospects of getting a good husband even better.

If she had been deflowered she was considered a loose woman, not marriage material. Obviously a loose woman can't control her sexual needs and would cheat on her husband and how would he know if her children were his. A man's ego is very fragile and it's alright for him to cheat on his wife but she better not do any cheating.

If a woman was found unpure she, of course, had shamed her family since they were representing her as untouched property and never been used. Now she was valueless and they might as well have drowned her at birth. In my Grandmother's case when she got pregnant all the old women were counting on their fingers when the baby was born compared to her wedding date.

To keep their family's pride these Comfort Women, mostly from Korea, came back home from after the war probably saying they did indeed work in a factory and gave details which family members wouldn't know any different. Their parents would then be able to negotiate a marriage contract with an upstanding family with an eligible husband prospect.

It doesn't matter what country you live in many rape victims are not viewed as victims. Many hear comments, "You asked for cause of the clothes you wear, your skirt is too short, your blouse is too low and you were at the bar looking for a man, you were dancing too sexy egging a man on, so you deserved it." So what does the public say when an 80 year old grandma gets raped in her own home.

To justify what he did 1 former Japanese soldier said these Comfort Women made more money at the war front than they did at home. I see no logic in his statement of raping 12 year old children. A Korean teacher was forced by her principal to tell her 6th graders to go to Japan to help with the war, she feels some became Comfort Women. These children were also consolation to soldiers who might die on the battlefield any day according to another soldier justifying his sick actions.

Korean family members were beaten or killed trying to rescue these young women and when they were sent home there was the threat their family would be killed if they said anything. Since so many families had already been been beaten and murdered this scare tactic didn't need any more reinforcement. The old saying "You can't fight City Hall" is very true. The majority of these Comfort Women came from families with no political influence and a lower class status and no money to fight with. Political officials didn't care what happened to them and military officials felt it was their duty as women to give to the war effort their sacrifice as a human being to be a piece of meat for a man to do with her what he wanted. These uncaring, disturbed creatures never saw what they were doing to these scared, helpless lives.

A Korean Comfort Woman remembers being taken to a hospital and something was done to them and they never had their period again. They were put into a line in front of Chinese soldiers and forced to stab them until they were dead. The women were often beaten by the soldiers and the officers were more abusive. They were drugged with opium on a daily basis to keep them docile so they wouldn't run away. But when they went home after the war their bodies had to go through withdrawal or stay addicted to opium.

Professor Yun Chung Ok in 1988 brought this embarassing situation to the publics attention and tried to get some kind of retribution for these Comfort Women, at least an official government apology. Professor Yoshimi Yoshiaki found documented proof of these atrocities, so the Japanese government could no longer no longer hide under their slimy rock and deny their involvement in these heinous acts. It took the influence and efforts of 2 educated professors (with balls)to confront the government with the accusations. This is not an easy task even with legal documents. We have seen in our history book that outspoken people are often imprisoned for speaking against the government.

These atrocities of kidnapping young women and children for prostitution and sending them all over the word in this century leaves me sick. The young ones have lost their childhood as in the 12 year old Comfort Women. How can this still be hapenning?

Friday, March 20, 2009

FDR's freedom from want was eliminating international trade barriers and also good economics is securing people healthy peacetime in the world.

Freedom from fear is reduction in arms so no nation can commit war against another nation.

For everyday people these freedoms were more realistic like food on the table, house to live in, clothes and shoes to wear, heat in the house. For Negroes no more discrimination in getting jobs. Fear against another country bombing another. For Negroes it meant no more lynchings.

The Manhattan Project was a result of the atomic bomb stopping the war with Japan and hopefully scaring countries so there won't be another war. United Nations was also created to keep war from happening again. FDR's Executive Order 8802 banned discrimination in defense jobs.
In The New York Times article about Bernard L. Madoff's huge investment fraud the IRS has a new plan which applies to all victims of all Ponzi schemes, remember Ponzi in chapter 20.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Here's some interesting trivia about women, they couldn't get a pilot's license in U.S. but had to go to France, also women weren't considered in the military officially so they didn't receive any benefits like WACS during WW2.
The old South is gone along with slavery.Negroes are free now. He says this because The New Negro has moved North from all aspects of life into one race melding, like businessmen, preachers, artists, criminals, and musicians.

The New Negro has a new sense of self respect now and self esteem and is the advance guard of those to come. The New Negroes' self respect and self dependence shows in his art, music, education, outlook on life and his leadership in the community.

The New Negro wasn't going to sit and take it anymore so they formed the NAACP, they also had a parade, Negro Silent Protest Parade. When the French celebrated the Negroes for helping to save their country in WW1 the U. S. Whites were angry that the Negro was getting so much glory.

Harlem, N.Y. was the rebirth of Black art. The Harlem Renaissance was a celebration of Negro culture in music like Louie Armstrong, the Great Satchmo, the great singer Ethel Waters, also art like Henry O. Turner's Banjo Lesson, poetry, tap dance, and the Jazz music.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Dec. 12, 1916
Dear Mom,

I'm in Beauvoir, France now working in the hospital sometimes assisting the doctors in surgery. It can be very frustrating, we don't always have enough ether or pain medication for the patients. In my dreams I can still hear the soldiers screaming with pain.

In the operating room I have to empty the pot where the blood drains into and it smells so bad I want to vomit but the stench of the operating room itself is unbelievable. There isn't much the doctor can do for the frostbite when it's to the ultimate extreme except to amputate. It's strange that the soldier will still complain of pain in his toes when they're no longer there (called phantom pain) so all we can do is give him pain medication if we have some,

The other day our soldiers caught a German soldier and they needed someone who spoke German so I translated. He was just a private who wanted out of the war and wanted to go home.

Take care and be careful.

Love, Martha

Feb. 24, 1917
Dear Mom,

Thank you for your letter. It's so sad to hear so many young women in widow's weeds, I'm so glad I'm not married and have to suffer like that and the government's little compensation for their dead husband won't pay the rent. I feel so sorry for them.

I read in the newspaper from the States , which is usually quite late but any news is precious to us, that Pres, Woodrow Wilson still wanted to stay neutral even though the German submarine sunk the British cruise liner Lusitania May 1915 off the Ireland coast killing 1,198 people of which 124 were Americans. You'd think he'd want to retaliate for the deaths of the Americans and now with the Jan. 1917 sinking of the American ships by Germany's submarines, he should do something now because Germany had said May 1916 I remember that they would suspend submarine war on those not in the war. I guess the Kaiser lied.

Oh, I also heard after the Lusitania thing 5 Irishmen were shot as spies, they were probably supplying the German subs.

Write soon and God bless you.

Love Martha.

April 20, 1917
Dear Mom,

We just got some poor soldier in the hospital who has influenza. The doctor doesn't think he's going to make it, already influenza has killed over a million people worldwide.

This soldier is so grateful to be in the hospital, even though he's so sick, just to be out of those trenches he's happy. He told me trenches are 6-8 feet deep and only wide enough for 2 men and this is where they live. Can you imagine? I can't, it must be horrible. He said trenches stretch across Europe 450 miles and the area inbetween trenches is called "No Man's Land". He described miserable weather of freezing and snow, standing water, frogs. And the rats are eating your buddy that's been killed laying just a few yards away from you and you're hoping you don't fall asleep while the rats are still there, I don't think I need to explain the reason why. Just Horrible! But then you don't really get much sleep beause your brain is always on half sleep alert listening for snipers sneaking into trenches at night.

Sometimes I have trouble sleeping,too.

Love Martha.

May 26, 1917
Dear Mom,

Sometimes we can hear the German Huns' bombs so close to us but the tell us we're in no danger and at night we see flickering flashes of white fire in the distance. I pray please war be far away.

I got a letter from our cousin Britney in London the other day. She said people are so thankful and grateful when one man volunteers cause he's worth two conscriptionists, isn't that heartwarming. He's obviously thinking of the freedom of his country and giving his life for that freedom.

Britney is disturbed by the rationing she has to endure, and people storing food away when others could be buying it, grocery stores don't even put prices on their food, they know you have to buy it even if they ask a ridiculous price for it, some people are breaking into stores and stealing and there's no petro for cars so she walks a lot, electricity goes off every once in awhile, and there are always search lights at night, Otherwise she's fine.

Finally Pres. Wilson has declared war on the Kaiser and the Central Powers and gave his 14 Points of War aims April 1917. Because of the Zimmerman Telegram intercepted by British spies March 1917 America will be fighting along side the Allies Britain, France, Japan and Russia. I read that the telegram written by German Foreign Secretary Arthur Zimmerman asked Mexico to join Germany's side and fight and then Germany would give them all the land back they lost to the United States in the U.S. and Mexican War 1846. The German Kaiser already has the Central Powers of Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire fighting with him, doesn't he have enough. I guess not.

With best wishes for your good health and safety.

Love Martha.

Dec. 21, 1917
Dear Mom,

We heard Vladimir Lenin overthrew the Russian government Nov. 1917 and published the secret treaties of the Allies (Triple Entente) dividing up all the conquered lands. Boy, that was shocking!

We also heard Ireland didn't receive the American soldiers (doughboys) very well. I guess they don' want to be involved in the war in any way especially with England.

Because of so many wounded coming in we don't have enough room so some of the families with large houses have kindly offered their homes for substitute hospitals. We are so thankful to them, it means a lot. And some of the schools are being used as barracks, they're a little more comfortable than those trenches the soldiers have to live in.

We now have 64 nurses to 2,000 beds, I wish we had more nurses, 64 just isn't enough. Order is awful with this workload, one doctor tells you to bandage a patient and 2 seconds later another doctor wants you in the operating room now. Who do you go to first?

We have 2 blessings coming to us, the Red Cross and the YMCA, who bring us much needed supplies that only a woman can appreciate like makeup and hair pins and also necesseties. Please keep donating whatever you can, we really appreciate it.

Love Martha.

Nov. 12, 1918
Dear Mom,

I just read in an American newspaper where this poor soul Eugene Debs was arrested under the Espionage Act 1917 for his anti-war speech of change but change peacefully. It' sad when you can't say what's on your mind.

At his trial he mentioned others who changed history like George Washington, Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Even Daniel Webster and Abraham Lincoln opposed the Mexican War but was not arrested and he just wants the same right of free speech guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.

Now Pres. Wilson could have commuted Debs' sentence of 10 years in prison but he didn't. But remember in Detroit 1916 Pres, Wilson gave a speech about "you can't serve others if you don't understand them and feel humanity for them which binds us together." Well he had no humanity for Debs.

I'm so tired of this Great War business and all because Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to Austrio-Hungarian empire, was assassinated by the Black Hand Gavrilo Princip while visiting Sarajevo, Serbia June 28, 1914.

I'll be glad when it's all over and we can go back to normal.

Love Martha.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I read President Obama is going to have a new health plan, but that it might cost a little now but in the long run it would be money saving. If it helps our nation I'm all for it. And he's going to pull out some of our troops out of Iraq eventually, this is great news.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Remember in our book John Muir organized the Sierra Club in 1890. One of my magazines had a small notice about it. It read, Preserve Wildlife Habitats in Florida. Armchair environmentalists might consider signing up for one of the Sierra Club's 80-plus volunteer vacations. The week-long trip to Ocala National Forest is especially interesting. You'll replant native trees, restore trails and build barricades to protect endangered plant species. You can unwind from all of your hard work on the day off that's built into the schedule. Visit or call 415-977-5522. If you're interested in conservation here's a great oportunity.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Hi, I,m Alonzo and I just moved here from Zamora, Mexico. It's exciting to be in a new country, Los Angeles is so beautiful, the weather here reminds me of home and I was able to get a job right away in the orange orchard, which is good cause I did similar work back home in Mexico. I'm concerned about my children forgetting the old ways though, they don't listen to me anymore like when I say we need to go to church on Sunday, they're already gone with their friends. I'm thankful that we found a small apartment where there are other Mexicans living but already my children are forgetting their native language and they're speaking English but I as yet have not learned it so I have no idea what they are saying. I ask them to repeat what they say in Spanish and they give me a look of disgust which shows me such disrespect and I am the head of this household, they need to show me more respect and obey me. If they can't respect me and our traditions and our culture then how can they remember who they are,where they came from. But they say Dad you're so old fashion, this is 1920 and we're in America now. My oldest son is dating a white girl from the other side of town, her father owns some kind of business and has money, I'm not happy with this. She knows nothing of our ways and when I asked her to celebrate The Day of the Dead with us I thought she was going to faint, then my son chastised me for even bringing up our sacred day, he said he wouldn't be there either. What has happened to my children? My daughter has a job working for a doctor as a secretary, I had forbid her to work, women in our family don't work outside the home unless they are accompanied by other members of the family. My son and daughter go out to the theatre and the nickelodeum with there friends white and Mexican, but I don't know these friends and I say but this is family time you need to spend time with your mother and me.They say we have jobs and we help pay the rent so we should be able to go where we want and where. But what about my daughter, her chastity needs to stay in tact if she is to marry, I won't be able to find her a good husband if she running around like some kind of tramp. She says she'll find her own husband and she'll be in love when she marries not an arranged marriage like her Mom and Dad's. I have no control over my children. I'm planning on going back to Mexico where I know what the rules are and what's expected of me but my wife won't leave, she wants to stay near the children and she likes it here cause there's more opportunities here like work in Imperial Valley, California and she doesn't have to worry about the revolution in Mexico. I may come back, others do and then go back to Mexico, back and forth.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

If you want to see a good movie about football and discrimination in the 60's watch The Express, The Ernie Davis Story. He's the first black man to win The Heisman Trophy in 1961. He thought his coach was just about football but then his coach told him in a subtle way not to date white girls cause Ernie should know his place and he's probably got a girl back home and to remember her.When they were playin a game in the South Ernie's coach wouldn't let him score a touchdown cause he was worried they wouldn't make it back to the bus. There was a news clip of Dr. Martin Luther King, a speech.1960 in Dallas they played in the Cotton Bowl against Texas Longhorns and won. They wre registered at the Aristocrat Hotel in Dallas but the 3 black players weren't allowed in the hotel even though they just won the Cotton Bowl. It showed him being congratulated by Pres. Kennedy. Great movie.

Monday, February 2, 2009

I kind of understand what the Indian girl went through when they cut her braids. When I was 12 I had my hair cut for th first time. When I looked in the mirror I cried , the hair dresser didn't know what to do. He called my Grandmother over bewildered and she explained that I'd never had my hair cut before. I couldn't stop crying cause it wasn't me anymore, there was someone else looking back at me in the mirror.

Friday, January 30, 2009

My name is Esther and I'm 17 years old and I came to America in 1892 to work in a textile mill making cloth. As the daughter of a poor farmer I was getting no where just working in the fields getting no pay with only enough from the farm to sustain my poor parents and me. Then I heard there were new opportunities in America, lots of land (some free) and industries that needed workers that paid well. I finally could have my own money and buy things like a new dress, and if I saved enough I could travel on the train to new places I've never seen. Well my dreams have been shattered, I work in the factory at least 10 hours a day and 6 days a week sometimes 7 so when I get home I'm so exhuasted I'm too tired to eat and go right to bed. Cause I'm not eating properly I've lost weight and I keep getting sick so what little money I save goes for medicine, At work we hear every once in awhile where another worker has died of an illness we think is due to overwork and exhaustion. It's scary!
the apartment I live in is so small 1 room and no ventilation with 1 tiny window and it smells of everyone's cooking and garbage, nothing like the fresh air on the farm. Some of us girls talked about organizing like the Knights of Labor that died in 86 and we also heard of the AFL getting better wages for their workers. Striking would be out of the question cause we heard about the 200 railroad strikers killed in Pittsburg and someone else told us about the Hay Market strikers4 killed and 4 hanged and in Homestead, Penn. more killed. Our boss must have heard us talking because he said if anyone wanted to protest they'd be fired so we all stopped our talking since we all need what little money we get even though our wages have been reduced.What really bothers me is when my boss makes rude Jewish jokes at my expense but I'm a little better off than the poor colored girls he slaps and makes very bad remarks about. The WASP girls have it a little better than us Jewish and colored girls. I work lots of hours but I never have any money. I never got my new dress. And I miss my parents.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Danielle makes a good point,that not all homeless people are drug addicts. But for other reasons they can also be homeless and therefore putting people into categories and class statuses isn't fair and we all have the right to liberty and freedom. I agree.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Social Darwinism is based on Darwin's theory of evolution of natural selection. Darwin's theory is the fittest will survive so the liberal reformers felt natural selection kept the poor where they belonged and there was no need for any social agencies to help the poor. Yale Professor William Sumner said freedom was acceptance of inequality. Social Darwinism also felt people who couldn't advance themselves was from a lack of character and that the poor should just stay out of debt and educate their children in marketplace principles and not look for aid. Today a lot of people say just get a job and pay your bills and you won't have to be on welfare. This is my own evaluation of this theory. I was on welfare with 2 children. I went looking for a job at many places. I was interviewed and when they heard I was on welfare some had the audacity to say to my face we don't hire welfare cause they're lazy.That really killed what little self esteem I had. Some said they wouldn't hire me cause with children I was better of on welfware to get the medicaid because they didn't have an insurance program. So no I don't find Social Darwinism theories valid. They were afraid they would lose some of their money to support a social welfare system.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

From what I read Israel and the Gaza Strip are fighting each other for control over this area. Prime Minister Ehud Olmert of Isreal called a truce but didn't say for how long. Hamas's defense is they're trying to end a blockade that deprives coastal territories of fuel, water,electricity,and medicine. I don't understand why Israel is depriving these people of these necesseties of life. Another comment is about our new President Obama and I wish him well and this is a great moment in U.S. history of our first black President. But I am concerned cause I remember President Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Bobby Kennedy's assinations. I hope President Obama is very well guarded.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

It must have been very hard for the South to give up their way of life. But they had to somehow rebuild their country. Their plantations were destroyed and also machinery destroyed. One master and his wife had to live in a slave cabin which must have been very degrading but they got a taste of what a slave had to put up with. And why did they give the freedmen Sherman land if they were just going to take it away from them anyway.